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Sound and Spirit of Columbus
Sound and Spirit of Columbus
Marching Band & Gaurd Payments
Band Dues
Payments Schedule
Payment Schedule for 2023-2024
June 1st $150
July 1st $100
August 1st $100
Sep. 1st $100
Oct. 1st $100
Payments are to be made to each school's booster program.
Sound of North Website
Columbus East Website
Gaurd Dues
Payments Schedule
Payment Schedule for 2023-2024
Dec. 1st $150
Jan. 1st $150
Feb. 1st $100
March 1st $100
Dec. 1st $100
Jan. 1st $100
Feb. 1st $100
Payments online can be made through PayPal. Please make sure to send an email with your child's name once payment has been made. Sound and Spirit are not resposible for PayPal fees.
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